Moov Spray Pack of 2
Reckitt Benckiser
In-stock bottle of 35 gm Spray
Moov Spray contains Wintergreen Oil, Mint Extract (Pudine Ke Phool), Eucalyptus Oil, Turpentine Oil (Tarpin ka tel) and Cinnamon Oil as active ingredients.
- These ingredients penetrate deep inside to produce warmth that relaxes the muscles and helps to recover fast
- These oils are known for their pain relieving properties
- An analgesic (or pain relieving) ointment made using 100% ayurvedic ingredients
- Fast and long-lasting relief from muscle pain, neck and backache, inflammation etc
- Fortified "Five Active Ingredients" formula helps in relaxing muscle stiffness and relieving pain effectively
Key benefits/uses of Moov Spray:
- Wintergreen Oil: Reduces irritation and swelling around the affected area
- Mint Leaves: Gives a cooling effect to the pain and treats the sore muscles and relieves joint aches
- Turpentine Oil: Helps to relieve pain from underneath the tissue
- Eucalyptus Oil: Soothing warmth makes it an excellent massage cream for joint pain
- Cinnamon Oil: Helps dilate blood vessels and decrease inflammation
Direction for use:
- Shake well before each use
- Spray the contents from a 5 cm distance on the affected area
- For best results, repeat 3-4 times a day
Muscle pain, Neck & backache, Inflammation, Sprain, Myositis, Fibrositis and Sciatica
Storage instructions:
- Replace cap tightly after use
- Store in a cool place, do not freeze
Safety information:
- Do not use if allergic to any of the above-mentioned ingredients
- First-time users should do a patch test before use, in order to rule out any allergic reactions
- Stop using immediately if strong irritation occurs and consult a doctor.
- For external use only
- Read the label carefully before use
- Keep out of the reach and sight of children